Parental Consent Process


As part of the registration process for Code Quest® and Lockheed Martin CYBERQUEST® events, coaches will be asked to provide information about students attending the event. If a child is under 13 years of age, US privacy laws require that we obtain a parent or legal guardian's consent before we collect any personal information about that child. This page explains how this consent process works, why it is required, and how we use and protect children's personal information.

Relevant Privacy Laws

The United States Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (15 U.S.C. §§ 6501-6505, often known as COPPA) outlines a series of requirements for website operators that intend to work with children under the age of 13. The Federal Trade Commission, in turn, has implemented a series of rules to enforce this law. In general, these rules require that we:

  • Obtain a parent or legal guardian's consent prior to collecting any personal information of a child under 13 years old;
  • Follow certain verifiable procedures to obtain that consent;
  • Provide a notice of what information we collect, why, how it's used, and parent's/guardian's rights with respect to that information; and
  • Employ reasonable safeguards to protect that information.

For more information on COPPA and its legal requirements, please visit the Federal Trade Commission's website.

Our Parental Consent Process

When a coach attempts to register a new student in our system, they'll be asked if the student is over or under the age of 13. If the student is 13 or older, this process doesn't apply; COPPA only requires that we obtain consent for children under 13, so the coach can proceed to register the student. If the student is 12 or younger, they'll be informed that we need to obtain consent first. To do so...

  1. The coach will be asked to enter the student's first and last name and their parent or guardian's email address. We will save the child's name in our database in order to track if we've received consent, but this is not associated with any other personal information about the child, and cannot be edited until consent is obtained and verified.
  2. Our website will automatically send an email with a copy of the consent form (a blank/generic copy is available below) to the parent or guardian's email address (CC'd to the coach).
  3. The parent or guardian must print out the form, review the information it contains, then fill out and sign the last page of the form.
  4. The parent or guardian returns the last page of the form to the coach.
  5. The coach logs into this website, clicks the 'Edit' button for the student, and uploads a scan or clear photograph of the completed consent form.
  6. The website notifies our volunteer team that the consent form has been uploaded for their review.
  7. If the consent form is completed correctly, our volunteers can approve the form, which unlocks the student's record and allows the coach to complete the registration process.

Blank consent forms can be downloaded using the links below. Our website will automatically populate the fields for the student's name and the locations of the Code Quest® and Lockheed Martin CYBERQUEST® events when emailing the form. If downloading these blank versions, please be sure to fill in those fields when completing the form to assist our volunteer team with verification.

  • English: Download Form
  • Spanish: Not yet available in this language
  • Polish: Not yet available in this language

What Information Is Collected?

We strive to collect as little personal information about children as possible. To complete the registration process, coaches will be asked to provide a student's:

  • First/Given Name
  • Last Name/Surname
  • Date of Birth
  • If attending an in-person event (not a virtual one), Country of Citizenship

If the student is attending an in-person event, and is not a citizen of the country in which the event is being held, we will also ask for the student's:

  • If a Permanent US Resident ("Green Card" holder) and attending a US-based event:
    • Green Card Number
    • Green Card Expiration Date
    • Scan/Clear Photograph of the Green Card
  • In all other cases:
    • Passport Number
    • Passport Expiration Date
    • Passport Country of Issue
    • Country of Birth
    • Scan/Clear Photograph of the passport's photo page

Why Is This Information Collected?

Lockheed Martin is a national defense contractor, and has many responsibilities to protect the work we do. Since we host Code Quest® and Lockheed Martin CYBERQUEST® events at Lockheed Martin facilities, our security offices require that we know who is attending each event. Many locations have additional security requirements for visiting foreign nationals in order to ensure compliance with various international trade and national security laws. The information we collect is the bare minimum required by our security office in order to fulfill these requirements.

Who Can Access This Information, and How Is It Used?

Lockheed Martin Quest is a volunteer-run program within Lockheed Martin Corporation, which organizes and runs the Code Quest® and Lockheed Martin CYBERQUEST® events, among other programs. All of our volunteers are Lockheed Martin employees. The information we collect is made available to Lockheed Martin Quest program leadership and Lockheed Martin's security office - both on a strictly as-needed basis - in order to manage the registration process for these events and to facilitate visitation requests to Lockheed Martin facilities. All collected information is stored in an encrypted database hosted on Amazon Web Services on servers within the United States.

Lockheed Martin does not share, sell, rent, or transfer personal information except as noted above or as required by law.

How Do We Protect This Information?

All information we collect is stored in an encrypted database, and can only be accessed by individuals with a need to access that information. We maintain all reasonable precautions, including appropriate technical and organizational security measures, policies, and procedures in order to protect personal information against unauthorized access, disclosure, and misuse. We also ensure that all children's personal information is permanently deleted from our systems within 30 days after the conclusion of our last Code Quest® or Lockheed Martin CYBERQUEST® event each year. If you decline to give consent for us to collect your child's information, any contact information we have collected for you to request that consent will be deleted when the registration period closes.

What Rights Do I Have Regarding This Information?

Parents and legal guardians of children retain full rights to their children's personal information. Specifically, they have the right to:

  • Review what information has been collected for their child(ren)
  • Request corrections to the information we have collected for their child(ren)
  • Revoke consent for Lockheed Martin to collect their child(ren)'s information
To exercise any of these rights, please contact our team using the information provided below with a clear explanation of what you're requesting. Depending on your request, we may be required to verify your identity in some way before we comply, but we will make every effort to respond to such requests as quickly as possible.

Additionally, once we have approved a completed consent form, your child's teacher or coach will have access to a "Revoke Parental Consent" button when viewing your child's information in our website. If you ask them to click this button, it will immediately delete all information we have collected for your child up to that point, and require that the consent process be started anew for us to collect any further information.

Where Can I Get More Information?

For more information about how we process and protect personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about this process or wish to contact us with regard to your child's personal information, please reach out using the information below:

Please contact us if you'd like to join our mailing lists or have any questions!

Email Lockheed Martin CYBERQUEST® General Support
Email Code Quest® General Support